Acupuncture Meditations
Acupuncture Meditations are my method for making the wisdom and the medicine of acupuncture available at a distance.
How do Acupuncture Meditations work?
First, I spend some time walking you through each point. You’ll touch each one so that you have a felt sense of them before we begin.
Once we have identified all the points, you can lay down and get super comfy while I guide us into a meditation.
I guide meditative journeys by going on the journey with you. I have a felt sense of how to bring us deeper. This creates an energetic space that we are both in so that I can deliver the treatment.
Throughout the meditative journey I will guide us once again to each point. You can touch them again, or simply relax trusting that the healing is still happening.
The meditation will reflect the intention of the points and the benefits they bring to your body, mind, and spirit.
I will be touching and accessing each point within myself as I deliver this meditation and setting the intention that I act as a conduit for you.
Acupuncture meditations are wonderful experiences live, but they can also be recorded and you can benefit from them again and again.